How Hudson Valley Property Group Developed the Flexible Solution They Need in TermSheet
Hudson Valley Property Group
Based in New York, with properties across the country
Asset Type
Multi-family affordable & mixed-income housing
What they love about Termsheet
A flexible solution they can tailor to match how they work
One software that can be utilized across multiple teams
Dedicated Customer Success reps that feels like trusted partners
Hudson Valley Property Group (HVPG) is an affordable housing investment firm, dedicated to elevating the quality of affordable & mixed-income multi-family properties across the country.
The Challenge
Like many growing investment firms, HVPG was finding it increasingly difficult to keep track of all their data living scattered across various apps and spreadsheets. Alexandra Coleman, Chief of Staff at Hudson Valley Property Group, tells us that each of their internal teams had adopted their own way of managing their data – leading to teams operating in silos. Inevitably, this lack of unification created inefficiencies and duplicate work across teams. “We needed a reset”, says Alexandra.
The Solution
Because HVPG’s asset class is so nuanced, Alexandra explains that “every deal is like a puzzle – each has its own levels of compliance, affordability restrictions, and so on…so we couldn’t just take a product off the shelf and start using it. We knew we had to find something completely customizable.”
The team did extensive research and due diligence to pinpoint a software that offered the capabilities they needed along with the flexibility they hoped for. According to Alexandra, they made this decision very carefully – they only wanted to do this one time, so it had to be right. The firm says they ultimately chose TermSheet because of its unparalleled customization options.
“It became clear no other platform that we saw offered the level of customization that TermSheet does."
The Impact
Since using TermSheet, teams at HVPG have been able to independently design their own tabs within their master project templates – giving them the freedom to custom-build workspaces that reflect how they like to operate, while memorializing any project information that comes from their purview. As a result, any one within their firm can easily locate and consolidate data points from across teams – something Alexandra says they were not able to achieve with the tools they were using before.
“Everything you have linked to a deal only lives within that deal… so you can have a field or a data point appear across as many reports as you want, but there is only one source for that data point.”
Another one of their biggest takeaways has been the service and support they have received from the TermSheet team – which has exceeded their expectations, according to Alexandra. Our quick response times and personalized solutions that we cater directly to them have made their team feel valued and heard, as opposed to being just another number in a sea of customers.
The HVPG team says they know they are able to tell us what they need, and we will strive to find a way to provide it – really making TermSheet feel like their trusted partner. A partnership that they feel confident was the right decision for them.

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